Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why Buy When You Can Borrow?

The last time I can remember ever visiting a library was when the adult section was all too serious for me. We were still using NLB's issued library cards. Remember the white laminated cards with blue NLB logo? It was precious (and I've lost it).

Who can forget the childhood induced visits to the Library? Armed with a headful of mischief and curiousity, I remember running into the children's section waiting to pull out as many books as I was allowed to borrow never thinking that I might have to carry them home on my own. But well, mom was always with us and like all mothers are, they are armed with bags to lug back the loot their offsprings have amassed. To little me, the Library was a magical place. Having a myraid of books to choose from
and not having to give anything in return. Life was good.

As you grow older, going to the Library was not cool. Why borrow when you can buy? I have spending power! Bookstores became the new libraries, partly because they carried newer books and because you got to keep them.

I was browsing through Borders one day and saw a book I wanted by Michael Phelps. It was S$49. Why? I have no idea. It's not huge or thick or remotely autographed by the Olympic champ himself. Wwhatttt? I shrugged it off. I could do without it (sorta). Couple of days later, Benji was at the Library (he's cool so he ain't bothered about these libraries are not cool thing - it's just me I realized) and he picked out the same Phelps book in mint condition and borrowed it for me. I was so amazed that I raised my hand involuntarily in the air proclaiming HAIL the National Library! The book was a new release, by the way.

And there begins my re-affair with the National Library.

Just the other day, I was browsing through another bookstore and wanted 2 books - Ivanka Trump: The Trump Card and Dennis Lehane's Shutter Island. But of course, why buy when you can borrow? I trudged down to the Library one afternoon, did a search on the system and found those 2 books waiting patiently with arms outstretched shouting Mama! What a gem the library is. Go find a book you'd want to buy rather than borrow then go and check the Library for the book you'd rather borrow than buy. Saves money and reading makes you smart and happy. Oh yeah.

But I am glad things has changed at the Library. If you have lost your membership card like me, you can now borrow books with your NRIC, NTUC Link Card, SAF11B, School Smart Card, Singapore Mint Personalised ez-link Card (what's this?) or Personal CashCard (phew! who would've thought?) and can borrow upto
SIX library items inclusive TWO music scores/audio-visual materials. All from the lending sections of course.

But of course if you are one of those that read 2000 words a minute (showoff), you can upsize your membership to borrow EIGHT items inclusive of FOUR of those music scores etc. You can actually upsize your membership to borrow SIXTEEN books. But that scares me. How do I carry 16 books? What if they are all gigantic print with hardcover and weigh about 500g each? 8000g? That's 8 kg right? I will need a wheelbarrow.

The Days Of Yore

The ex library on Stamford road was old school cool. However, I always got lost in there and gladly I did. I loved the old brick building and the whole college look and how literary you feel inside even though you are reading a Dilbert comic. Never you mind.

But despite all that, one thing I really miss about the old National Library (which one Minister commented that they pulled down so we could squirrel a tunnel that saves us 5 mins - atta Sir!) was actually S-11. Remember the auntie that looked like an uncle or was he an uncle that looked like an auntie. He added so much color to the place screaming at us when we opened tables at will. I remember suppers there after midweek Bible Study. The fried food from Poly Western (which is now located at Lavender Food Centre), wanton mee and
laughing our nights away.

That uncle is a fiesty character.

I remember once we did a guerilla shoot there because approval to shoot was taking too long to come back & affecting our schedule. So we chose a quiet afternoon (wrong choice) and bought some drinks (to appear amicable) and I got Simon to quietly go shoot the place. The uncle got mad and kept asking us for the approval and said head office (S-11 has a head office, yo) didn't inform them. And while I was distracting him with questions, Simon was shooting away till Uncle-Auntie realised what was going on.

He stomped in front of Simon's camera and placed a hand on the lens and said "Go away! Go away!" (with less pomp than Ah Nan definitely). Like disgraced HK star. We realized that reasoning wasn't helping so we left quickly before he started throwing stuff at us. After all, he did hurl some expletives.

I also remember there was one evening, us FSV students had to finish a paper, so we camped out there. And when it was over closing time and they wanted to nudge us out, they played Closing Time by Semisonic! How cool is that? It was hilarious when everyone started to do a mock panic to the tune and a sing-a-long. Those were some days.

Although I might miss the great old dame at Stamford Road, I think the many upgraded public libraries peppered around our island are quite impressive and enviable places to call our own. From the grand old days where 'checking out' a book involved standing with your arms wrapped around a tower of books in an ever snaking queue, dumping it on the counter where the librarian would use a huge stamp to indicate the date of return to the automated and snap quick check out counters, 24hrs bookdrops and the expansive collection of books of today, our libraries have come a long way.

Who says there is nothing to do in Singapore? Find an afternoon, open your mind, step into a library and pick up a book and you will realise there is a huge huge world out there in the libraries you have forgotten.

Have a good read.


  1. The picture is so...Nostalgic! I remember the old library being much easier to navigate and tour than the new transformer library now. The new library has so many levels now I hardly know what's on the other levels besides the basement lending level and the concert hall upstairs. :)

  2. Old library building got ghost you know ?

  3. Maybe that's why they need to build the tunnel. So the ghosts can go shopping.

  4. I loved the OLD lib too!!! and not forgettin the TEH NI uncle/auntie..hahahahaha...
    there by far still serves the best fried fish bee hoon for me!
    (great site/article by the way...)
