Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting Inspired

I've been feeling totally uninspired lately (& I suspect it's the lack of sleep) and it's not helping the design work I need to do.

How do you get inspired? Oh please do share...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

*apologies for missing out some bits, things are getting lost in translation.

I had the most interesting experience on Sunday night.

We boarded TIBS 980 that plys from Beach Road (I have no idea where it goes before that),> Bugis > opposite Tekka Market > KK Hospital > Novena > Thomson > Ang Mo Kio.

Usually when we board the bus at the stop before Bugis Junction, the bus is sparse, dotted mostly with Singaporeans (Chinese mainly) and a few foreign workers (Bangladeshi & mainland Chinese). The locals usually enjoy being the majority.

However, Sunday night was a peculiar experience. When we boarded, we noticed something different about the mix. There was 60% mainlanders, 30% Bangladeshis (I assume they are Bangladeshis, they could be from Delhi, Bangalore, Kerala or Serangoon, I have no idea) and 10% Singaporeans. We were the minority.

Then the bus hit the Fu Lu Shou Complex bus stop and the 30% Bangladeshis ballooned to 60% and mainlanders 40% (but they sounded like 110% because they were speaking SO LOUD) and us locals became a negligible statistic. I started to grow scared.


The bus approached the bus stop opposite Tekka Market. It was a Sunday night at 10pm. Stores were closing, workers had to return to their worksite dorms. Imagine with me.

The bus crawled in to the traffic light (with trepidation and fear I am quite sure, or perhaps it was just me) just 10m before the bus stop. We could see foreign workers (ALL Bangladeshis) causing a heavy water balloon swell at the bus stop. Some of them tried to run to the bus waiting at the traffic light to get a headstart but to no avail. They were jostling and nudging each other like at the start of a very important race.

As the lights turned green, I was quite sure this happened in slow motion. The bus approaching the stop … the workers nudging and pushing, saliva flying… arms flailing … bags wobbling … and you could see that gleam and drive in their eye … ‘I must… I willlll… get onn that … bussss!’

When the bus hit the stop and opened its doors, I swear that was a dead pause in my head and what happened after that was something I had never seen before. Everything just came rushing like a tidal wave!

I’m not sure if there were a hundred of them but I’m quite sure it was close! They pushed… not just PUSHED but PUSSSSHED their way up the bus and moved very quickly to the rear so everyone can get up (one virtue we should learn from them). Very quickly, the bus was filled and they were still pushing their way in. Like pack, pack pack! If there were handle bars on the side of the bus, I was quite sure they will happily hitch a ride on the outside.
I have seen and been on packed buses, but none as packed at this. It was a omg-what-is-going-on-help-help-help kind of packed! In the open handicap area where it usually stands about 8-10 people, now stood about 30 and the crowd was at least 4 people thick. They were back-to-back, front-to-front, back to front, side by side. Every possible inch was used. It was the kind of packed that forced you to strategize on your exit.

But a wonderful thing about having these friends on board is that because the bus is so packed, it cannot stop anymore and so it cut down our travelling time by half! Hurrah!

As we sat tightly packed like rice in the bus, taking in the fragrance of Tekka Market, we began to look around & observe and started to wonder about them. What were their lives like? What journey had they taken? Howdo they feel being so far away and fending for themselves... A lot of them looked young and I am sure they are – those that had found work must be lucky to be able to earn their keep and send money back. And maybe all that pushing and shoving was for good reason - to get back and keeping going at the mill.

Life must not be easy.

Well, the 'packedness' of the bus did not ease at our stop so we had to wiggle our way out and when we eventually fell out into the empty bus stop, we looked back and waved, quietly wishing them all the best. May their lives  prosper and continue to improve here after.

Shalom! What an experience!
Imagine this turned inside out and
you can kinda imagine what our experience was like.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What Do You Dream Of?

Have you ever thought about what your dream job will be like?

I have.

For as long as I can remember, I have been believing that dream jobs are possible. A dream job is anything that you have always dreamt of doing when you were young, or developed an interest along the way. It could be being a TV show host, teacher of autistic kids, or a dancer on a world stage, or not being in a desk bound job (I hear this very often).

I’ve had my opportunities with my dream job. I used to be in TV Production and I enjoyed it because it is not desk bound (yayhoo!), I get to meet a lot of people and visit very interesting places that I wouldn’t get a chance to on any given day (Tan Tock Seng’s grave? Entering a n abandoned house with historical value on Pulau Ubin?)

I have since given that up because life has evolved and I have moved on from my boundless energy that sprang forth from curiousity of my post teen, pre young adult years. For a good 2-3 years after I stepped away from the TV scene, I struggled with keeping on my journey of a dream job. I am stubborn so that did not help. I struggled and kept struggling. I will, I want, I must have!

My search for a dream job left my partner and I frustrated and most of the times, poor (all my dream jobs usually under underpay).

Then I had an epiphany.

A dream job doesn’t necessarily have to be a job of your dreams. It doesn’t have to be a high flying doctor, lawyer, Indian chief or whatever you dream of (clown, TV star, tai-tai, pilot, a mascot). I know there is saying that digs ‘Work in a job you like and you will never have to work a day of your life’. That is true, but let’s loosen up a bit.

A dream job doesn’t have to be a job of your dreams.

It can also be a job that HELPS fulfill your dreams. It is a job that gives you time and freedom to pursue your interest or pays you well enough to take that month long holiday that you have been dreaming of. It might even equip you with skills to do what you like and feel satisfied with life and bless you with finances to be a blessing to others. That’s the real joy of life, no?

Since the epiphany, I have set my mind and channeled my energy to doing well in my job (albeit not dream but fun and very comfortable) and using it to springboard and finance my interests. And I realize that it still works out for my good.

As they say, all things work for good.

So, what are you dreaming of today?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Have You Taken Your Walk Today?

Hello there, apologies for not updating this space recently. Just got started on a new work journey and getting settled in while having a niggle at the back of my head about how I am not doing updates here as often as I like.

My new work place involves me getting a good 15 min walk through a large and lush garden. The cool morning breeze gently sweeps as I take in a breath of fresh crisp air. As I walk further, I hear insects warming their voices as birds hurry around their morning chores.

It is hard to ignore the majesty of nature as you walk through the park that are lined with hunky giant trees with roots that awkwardly place out almost like an overgrown child with folded limbs. It is also very lovely as you notice the way trees spread their canopy to shade from the beating sun.

During the day, birds sit on the windowsill and take a breather before fluttering off to their next adventure; butterflies flirt and chase each other as the sun hangs lazily in the sky.

It is hard ignore the details of nature. When I end my day, I try to take a walk through the gardens again and it is the evening breeze that pats me on the back for a job well done. Trees with fluttering leaves do a wave as if saying good-bye and see you tomorrow! Baby plants dance in the wind and fallen leaves float away to say adieu.

Go on, take a walk and enjoy the silence and realize the world is more intricate than you think.
