Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Have You Taken Your Walk Today?

Hello there, apologies for not updating this space recently. Just got started on a new work journey and getting settled in while having a niggle at the back of my head about how I am not doing updates here as often as I like.

My new work place involves me getting a good 15 min walk through a large and lush garden. The cool morning breeze gently sweeps as I take in a breath of fresh crisp air. As I walk further, I hear insects warming their voices as birds hurry around their morning chores.

It is hard to ignore the majesty of nature as you walk through the park that are lined with hunky giant trees with roots that awkwardly place out almost like an overgrown child with folded limbs. It is also very lovely as you notice the way trees spread their canopy to shade from the beating sun.

During the day, birds sit on the windowsill and take a breather before fluttering off to their next adventure; butterflies flirt and chase each other as the sun hangs lazily in the sky.

It is hard ignore the details of nature. When I end my day, I try to take a walk through the gardens again and it is the evening breeze that pats me on the back for a job well done. Trees with fluttering leaves do a wave as if saying good-bye and see you tomorrow! Baby plants dance in the wind and fallen leaves float away to say adieu.

Go on, take a walk and enjoy the silence and realize the world is more intricate than you think.


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