Thursday, January 27, 2011

My favourite picture at the moment.
Got this off Mighty to Save

I like asking people about their dreams. I like to know where they are now and what they dream to be because in that moment for the briefest of time, we are both transported to a magical place where everything fulfills the purpose that was set out in our heart. That place where we feel - this is where I was meant to be.

I have many dreams. I dream of working with pretty things, with people who constantly inspire, I dream that on my 50th birthday, the friends and family that surround me will tell me that I've been an inspiration & something small I said touched their lives and helped them change to become a better person. 

I dream of giving away fully paid cars, I dream of helping each person's secret dream come true. That's where I want to be.

What are you dreaming of today? :)


Oh yay yay yay ! Got my hands on this book ! Mi husband braved the rain to get me a copy! My hero !

Will write about it once I'm done. Have you got yours yet? :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

我长大了! (I Have Grown Up!)

It's taken me a while to form this blog entry in my head before I found the time to spill it out onto paper and I had to take a particularly early lunch today leaving me with time to spare for this spillage.

I used to spend the last day of the year reflecting and musing over the year gone by on what I've learnt, what I've been through & what I've been blessed with. Sometimes, these reflections leave me a little tripid, a little scared. On the last day of 2010, these were my thoughts that I posted on FB : "‎31st Dec always feels like that roller coaster ride waiting to tip over the edge & toss you around. You know you'll love it but you kinda wanna head back but yet you want to scream and go take on that heck of a ride of your life. :) Go on, 2011 is gonna be great." This is so true for me, that's why reflecting on the year scares me and that is why I don't do it anymore.

I think I have grown up especially more in 2010. I spent a great deal of the year trying to be someone that I am not. I'll read a blog or a page and get inspired to be like that girl that is elegant or that woman that is pretty, beautiful with a seemingly beautiful life. I spent alot of my time correcting myself to be like someone else, to live their lives and never truly lived mine.

This is not the first time I've had an epiphany about wanting to be myself. But it seems this year, it has finally reached from my head to my heart. I don't want to be like someone else anymore. Yet, this doesn't mean I don't glean the helpful tips that I've learnt from them. But it does mean that I have chosen not to live with their shadows in my mind everytime I go out. I used to think 'Oh, what would xxx do?' or 'How should I behave so I can be like xx?" Now, I have chosen to learn the good from them and make it work for me. You put a missing piece in a puzzle to complete the puzzle, you don't make the entire puzzle fit a tiny piece.

I am excited for 2011 because I have alot before me and I refuse to spoil it being someone else. :) You can't begin to imagine the relief I have at that.

On another note, I have this idea for an inspirational video bubbling in my heart for a while. Will you share with me your thoughts if I asked you ? :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Wear Yellow Shoes

I have a pair of yellow shoes.

It is a nice friendly yellow. I like it. I wear it with my black and whites, or sometimes all black. I like black alot. I wore a black evening gown at my wedding.

I like my yellow shoes. Everytime I wear it, I am reminded to be abit whimsical, a bit quirky, a bit strange, to have a tad of odditiy. I remind myself it's okay to be happy and abit crazy. I imagine my yellow shoes as my adventure, like the magical shoes Dorothy had in the Wizard of Oz. I hope to meet a scarecrow, a lion and a tin man. So I can encourage them with some wit, some courage and some heart...

Next I should try red lipstick. Just to remind myself that the world doesn't define me. :)

We're off for an adventure!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Living Curiously & Frivalously

I love it when December rolls around. I love it when you walk into a heavily Christmas-ed department store and they're playing those warm fireplace Christmas songs (the deep chocolately ones, not the chipmunky types) and instantly you drift away  ...

Christmas is always a good time to take stock of how the year has been, how good God has been and how much more you can look forward to in the next ...

My cousin (yes you, Amanda Tan) has recently been blogging about some dreamy stuff and it reminded me very much about my days of youth where I dreamt freely, wrote to express and let my insides dream their way out. It sparked a tingle in my heart to read her dreams and fantasies and was revived in someway myself. Be happy and frivalous. Thanks girl. Keep the VW Camper dream alive. :)

Anyhow, I realised too that this blog is really wordy. So here are some random pictures (not too random actually, it's mostly about food, my favourites yeahyeah) that might help you dream more about that winter holiday you are wishing, that cosy fireplace talk you want or just snuggling up and letting time drift away...

A tall cold glass of Iced Mocha that runs into your veins
with pom poms and cheerleads your entire system up!

LOVE salted egg crab.
Doesn't matter from where. This is from JB though.

A fat warm and cuddly neighbourhood mayor cat that
likes to rub past and nuzzle its head on your feet.

 Bangers & Mash and Beer on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Double fried Brie and Sundried tomato jam. LOVE.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello You!

I'm quite curious. I haven't been writing for awhile and my last post was quite a while ago, but how is it that there are still people visiting my blog? If you came by here and have been coming by periodically to check if I have been writing, thanks for the vote! Just glad to know this blog is hosting some kind of party.

I haven't been writing for a while because nothing much's piqued my interest lately. I've also been using my mind and energy for the wedding preps. There are so many things to do! We were initially quite relaxed and chilled but when November crawled in, there seemed to be this bombardment of details that I swear was waiting behind the door to fall on us and then laugh at us as we tried to make sense of it all.

But we're okay. We're okay ! Christmas is slowly coming up and I can't wait to smell it in the air. Love Christmas. I'm trusting that this Christmas I'll be having it white.

What are your Christmas holiday plans? :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Give thanks with a grateful heart

There was recently a lengthy and revealing interview done by The New York Times on Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew. I read the replicated copy in The Sunday Times and it left me quiet for awhile. He opened up with much depth in emotions, or maybe we haven't seen this side of him before.

MM or LKY has always been known to be the leader, the head, the Asian giant of politics. But rarely do we see him in the light of pain, stress or discomfort. In this interview, he still is the former and also the latter.

Every time LKY does an article that is not about changing the world but revealing something about his aging self to the people, it draws flak. "Ahh, he's doing it because GE is approching" or "He's playing the race card again". While I am not an expert on drawing votes during the GE, I can only imagine if these same people will keep quiet if the interview was done any other time of year. What would they say if he did it at a random time like say, Christmas? They'd still say, " Aahh, he's doing it cos he wants more presents from Santa". Crap.

It is valid for everyone to have an opinion, and therefore this is mine.

This man has given his LIFE for the country, having lead Singapore from third world status to first and giving all he's got in the early years to steer us in the right direction. I know nothing about politics or being scheming or gaining popularity. But I know one thing.

LKY has given his all to give me a safe haven to live in, a good education to benefit from, a flat when I am getting married and bragging rights to live in a 'First World oasis in a Third World region'. I have drinkable water at the turn of the tap, lights at a flick of a switch. I walk around in the middle of the night and not get robbed and justice duly metted out when it is due. I have a comfortable home and I speak English. I have an equal playing field with my peers and opportunities where I want it.

I think for all that's been given to me, I can only say thank you. And all you nay sayers, I pray that in the quiet of your heart you will someday give thanks. When you drink clean water from the tap, or leave the lights on when you don't need it, you will remember that there we have neighbours that get dysentry from drinking water from their taps and light candles in the middle of the night because electricity does not reach them.