Friday, June 4, 2010

How Much Further... or Farther?

How many of you, like myself, can never get it if we should use 'further' or 'farther' in a sentence? Conveniently, I always dismissed it as being U.S and U.K English. You know, to-mah-toes and to-may-toes.

However I was determine to understand the two words in a bid to strengthen my English so I gathered all my detective skills and Google (but of course) and it turns out that these two words 'further' and 'farther' do mean something on their own and are not just a product of years of English customisation. (po-tay-toes, po-tah-toes)

According to,

FARTHER denotes physical advancement in distance.
For example: It is farther down the street (for distance physically travelled)
It's not that much farther to the gas station

FURTHER denotes advancement to a greater degree, like time.
For example: Do you have any further plans for your education?

Try it!

How much _______ farther do we have to walk to get to the ice cream parlour?
How much _______ do you intend to take this legal matter?
Do you intend to _______ your career with management courses?
How much ____________ do I have to read in the text?
The ________ I walk, the _______ I am in my schedule!

Now, aren't we happy the mystery is solved? :) So how much further will you take your English?

1 comment:

  1. Answer already given for 1st one le. I used to have my own thoughts page too... BUt I have only 1 reader. Well... it's a ranting page with angry memories.... it shall be tucked away in that Cyber space~ :)
