Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Wished I Was Born In The Exciting 60's!

Benji and I love visiting the National Museum. It is such a curious place with insightful exhibitions! Last weekend, we trot on over excitedly to check out the Singapore 1960's gig and here's a walk down, well I couldn't say it was memory lane but, history's lane for us.

Chaa... CHAMBO!

Zubir Said's piano which he wrote our National Anthem on.
That's Benji's finger striking a B key. We got told not to touch the '100 yr old' piano as it is 'fragile'.
Despite that, Benji was happy he was in tune with Zubir Said.

This IS the defining moment for Singapore. MM Lee, then Mr. Lee,
swearing in as Prime Minister of Singapore.

See! The National Museum now is actually the Assembly House then.
A fact I relished with joy!

A display of jade from the 1960's. Actually I don't know what this display was about.
I'm posting it up because I think it's a well taken shot. Frivalous, I know.

What really intrigued me about the exhibition were the newspaper display from the 60's.
Especially the ads! Check out this travel agent ad.
Things were much simpler before, no brightly colored ads screaming FREE LUGGAGE! Travel for $50!

Aahh, something familiar you say?

Dude, it was a REAL power station. Like the electricity kind.

Ads the Health Ministry now wished wasn't so rampant before.
Whoelsome underwear ads with no jiggly boobs and models
 strutting in the air brushed bodies.

The terrorists of yesteryears: The Communists.
 I am glad MM was bent on chasing them out. Hail ! Hail !

Ah ! Proud moment - Weightlifter Tang How Liang and the
first Olympic medal for Singapore!

How much we, and our waistlines, have progressed.
They had ads to encourage people to PUT on weight. Now?
Even those that need to PUT on weight are bent on shedding those precious kilos.

Hey! This is so cool ! These are marriage ads!
The headline read: Four Married Over The Weekend!

When 8,000 was a large number. We have progressed.

TIGER beer when the tiger neither had its paw in or out.

Spot the mistake?

This skyscraper took FOUR years to build.
Now we build an IR in 1.5 years... or less.

Well, I won't show everything here and rob you of the joy of discovering the exhibition for yourself.

Check out the exhibition which is on at The National Museum, Exhibition Gallery 1 till 22 Aug. Free Admission. Have fun!


  1. The only drawback I can think of from the 1960s was that there was no air-conditioned. If there was, I will happily zip back in time and just stay there!

  2. Hey Rach... Have not checked your blog for a while.. and its still very inspiring read =) Keep it coming! I know, must be so busy... but don't ya stop writing! If its writers block again... leave you with a little quote to ponder:

    "When you cannot see
    What is happening,
    Do not stare harder.
    Relax and look gently
    With your inner eye."
    - Lao Tzu
