Thursday, June 3, 2010

How My Heart Soared

Every morning, I see this man at the bus stop. He is striking not because he is handsome or have an aura that attracts. In fact, it is the opposite. Every morning I see him, he is hogging the front of the line regardless or not the approaching bus is his. And when his bus approaches, he has no qualms about rushing forward and being the first on the bus even though his bus ride is but 10mins. It irks me. Every morning it irks me because to me and to some degree, men are supposed to be gentlemanly.

This morning, I met him again. And this time, there were 2 of them. Rushing, pushing, hogging, taking the first breath of bus-air the moment the door opens. Regardless of women, children or the elderly, they are the firstest, mostest, fastest. In sad regard, I asked myself, ‘Is chivalry dead?’ I’m not asking for door opening, or laying down your jacket as a carpet. I’m asking for just a morsel of gentlemanliness.

To my surprise, my answer came in the same morning, an hour later. I boarded the shuttle bus that brings me into my workplace, a 5mins drive from the main road. The bus that came was unusually crowded with only 3 seats for 5 of us who boarded. 2 people didn't get to sit, a lady and a guy. It was a 5 min ride, nary would anyone think of giving up a seat.

To my surprise, a gentleman stood up and offered his seat to the lady who was standing. She wasn’t old, pregnant or handicapped! Oh, how my heart soared! It was only a 5minute ride, but he graciously gave up his seat to her. In that instant, the answer to my question in the morning rose in my heart. Chivalry is not dead. The guy who gave up his seat was not dashing or particularly well dressed, but at that moment, there was something regal about him.

Women are not asking to be waited on hand and foot, definitely not in these days where independence is so as much shouted about. But sometimes, when men know to be men, women will become the ladies they want them to be.

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